dear lottery

dear lottery

Dear Lottery,My fingers tremble as I write this letter, my heart pounding in my chest. The numbers dance before my eyes, a tantalizing, shimmering mirage in the desert of my reality. You, dear Lottery, hold the key to a future I can only dream of, a life unburdened by the weight of bills and anxieties.I see myself, not with dusty hands from long hours at the factory, but with time to pursue passions long forgotten. I see myself, not huddled in a cramped apartment, but in a cozy home filled with laughter and the aroma of freshbaked bread. I see myself, not with a tired sigh at the end of a day, but with a heart filled with joy, embarking on adventures that were once beyond my reach.But you, dear Lottery, are a fickle mistress. You offer hope, a flicker of light in the darkness, only to snuff it out with cruel indifference. Millions dream, millions hope, and yet only a select few taste the sweetness of your embrace. Still, I cling to the possibility, a stubborn ember refusing to be extinguished. Each ticket purchased is a whispered prayer, a silent plea for a chance at a life transformed.Perhaps today, dear Lottery, you will answer my prayers. Perhaps you will grant me the freedom I so desperately crave. Perhaps, just perhaps, you will choose me.With a hope that burns brighter than ever,Yours truly,A Dreamer

dear lottery