funny gambling jokes

funny gambling jokes

Funny Gambling Jokes: Laugh Your Way to the Bank or the BarWhat do you call a gambling fish? A poker face!Why did the gambler take a ladder to the casino? He wanted to raise the stakes!What did the card player say when he won a big pot? Im aceing this game!Why did the gambler get a job at the bank? He wanted to learn how to roll money!What did the slot machine say to the gambler? Youre spinning my head!Why dont they play poker in the jungle? Too many wild cards!Whats the difference between a gambler and a fisherman? The fisherman only lies about the size of his catch.Why did the gambler bring a calculator to the casino? He wanted to figure out his odds!What did the casino say to the gambler after he lost all his money? Youre out of luck!What do you call a gambler who always wins? A lucky dog!So, there you have it, a few funny gambling jokes to brighten your day. Whether youre a seasoned pro or just starting out, remember to gamble responsibly and always keep it fun!

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